“If it hurts when you do that, don’t do that.” I can hear my father saying that as I tried to remedy the stuck joint in the thumb of my dominant hand.
Henny Youngman my father wasn’t, but he did have a great belly roll and he enjoyed his own humor. The thought makes me laugh.
While wrangling with that disjointed thumb, the zany memory of my father who left the earth more than a quarter of a century ago, but is never far from my mind, helped me laugh. My father’s humor got me through the inexcusable wait for a doctor’s appointment to see about the newest in what I call the “always something” category.
This happened not long after my brother Stu spotted a joke in the paper that he knew I would also appreciate. Thus the title of this week’s Tuesday blog post, Tooth Hurty?
That oft-repeated joke about an appointment time at the dentist’s office, a play on the time “2:30,” was another of our father’s favorite laugh triggers. Those were the days my friends…